Hi All!!!
Inspired by Alexie from Cupcake Sniper and challenged by the Ladies at Wonderfully Made my random act of kindness is to share with any woman that I, that You, that We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. I started by purchasing a cutsie postee pad and purposing to post them in random places (like a bathroom stall which I did today) so that a random woman or multiple women will be encouraged with this awesome scripture. Pretty much the Wonderfully Made Campaign as said best by them is: a creative movement led by every day girls to help young women know their true beauty and worth.
Tonight after our youth group service 9 AMAZING girls joined me to decorated mini posters with this verse. Some of the girls took their poster home as a reminder while some of them gave theirs away to spread the word. (pictures below)
Here's How It Works:
Choice 1:1) Take a picture of yourself or your friends with a verse or statement about your true beauty and worth as a daughter of God.
2) Make it your profile picture for FB/Twitter
3) Email it to us and we'll add it to our wmCampaign album!
Choice 2:
1) Leave anonymous notes for girls and women to find telling them about how beautiful and dearly loved they are by God.
2) Leave them in fun places such as the inside pages of a magazine, bathroom mirror, dressing room, etc!
*Email info@wonderfullymade.org with your pictures
*If you'd like to you can write our web address (wonderfullymade.org) on the bottom so other women can find their site and learn about the wmCampaign!

You are so rad. I can't wait to meet sometime :)
LOVE it!! =)
This is SOOO amazing! Praying for all of you beautiful girls. Keep spreading the truth.
Kayla (from WM)
This is an awesome idea!!!! I think I'll try it out in the stalls, dressing rooms, etc...!!
this is such an awesome idea rak!
so great. :)
This is amazing Rakel!!! I love the work I see being done in these girls!! God is using you tremendously!! I thank God for using you in these girls lives! I wish I would have had someone influencing me so positively!
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