
Friday, March 5, 2010

Lyrical Friday- Lion of Judah

I owe all of you an apology, a sincere-I let you down-please don't leaveme-I am truly embarassed- repented- forgive me 70x70 times for not posting Shachah any sooner. (Melinda talk to your boys and let them know that is lacking good Shachah viseos, lol. Or tell them to show up at CCK where our media team will take care of this need asap!) Anywho, you know me, Lyrical Friday is dedicated to one song but with Shachah I can't choose one song. However, because I must limit myself to one song, Lion of Judah , an older version of it. It's definitely one of those songs that becomes a prayer and a lifestyle.

(all credit for this lovely piece of artwork goes to Brenden)

So who is Shachah... for those of you who don't know them... only the best of the best. I am not lying to you. I first heard Shachah in 2005 at a youth concert and let me tell you they are it, the real deal. Humble men who love Jesus. It can't get any better. Today's song like I shared previously is one of the top favorites... well they all are favorites. If the Stove and Earl are playing it and Brenden and Josh singing it, then it's good. Here are their links: Webpage, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. Check them out. And Shachah if you come to read this: we need you back in Miami asap- your friend and prayer warrior- Raquel aka your miami fan and the voice all in one!
(please turn off the music player on the sidebar)

This is awesome, I feel like I just introduced family to you!


  1. hahaha - seriously. we have two pro music videos, but just two. And not Lion of Judah.

    Thanks, Raquel :)

    ps - this is so dang old! haha


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May God grant you your heart's desire to be a lily among thorns as you delight in Him.