Thanks for joining me on the battlefield... lol this picture cracks me up!
God is so cool and he just placed it in my heart to ask you Reader to pray for me and in return would you please comment a prayer request or email me at .
The battle belongs to the Lord!!!
1. The Lord has blessed me with an amazing group of girls at Uth Nation and my prayer is that they would draw closer to the Lord everyday. This Month we are going to begin the HEAL study. Pray for these girls (6 of them) and pray for me as well. May we hear from Jesus and find comfort, hope, purpose and meaning in Him. I am so excited for this. God has called me to do just this and I am diving in head first. If I could I would jump out of my skin from the excitement level! lol
2. Pray for the Teachers and Students at the school where my Sister works. The Lord knows their needs so as the Spirit leads you pray for them. THANKS!
3. After too long of a "break" Miami, Fl has a Christian radio station once again!!! 90.9 LIFE:fm has launched. You can listen to in the web. The bottom left corner of the page has the live stream icon, click it and enjoy it wherever you are. Pray for this stations, for the leaders behind it and for those that tune in- may God reach the hungry, thursty and heavy ladden and give them rest through this stations. May the lost be found. And pray also that those who are walking uprightly may be sustained and encouraged through this station.
4. Pray for the Young Adults in my church and city. Man God is on the move in Miami. It is so encouraging to be a part of the Youth Ministry and the College Ministry. To be a part of the work that the Lord is doing through the young people in my church has me fired up, motivated and running my race with joy. Pray that God would keep us fired up, zealous and immovable. May His hand of protection be upon us and may nothing move us away from His perfect will for our lives. My prayer is to see a revival in my city through this generation.
5. One of my new blog buddies Dasha, Melissa and Jessica, they are each going through "stuff" in a different way... hey, aren't we all. Would you please join me in prayer and intercede on their behalf. The beauty of the common bond that we all share is Christ, our sisters are hurting and it is both a joy and an honor atleast for me to pray for them.
6. Keep me in prayers that I would daily surrender my thoughts to Him. That I would remain still in His presence and His will for my life. Pray that I may be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. Pray whatever you want... and Jesus whatever is prayed outside of your will disregard it, lol.
God Bless You... see you tomorrow for Lyrical Friday!
i'll have these in my prayers... and can you please pray for me im going through a rough patch i miss my ex bf and i feel like im asking to much at God bt i really want jay even though maybe im like treating him like an idol.. bt fit me in your prayers... God Bless you.