Hi Everyone!
This past Saturday I met with the Youth Discipleship group and we covered lesson 3 from the Heal Journey. I have to say, that as we go deeper into the study I am enjoying more and more the group time as each girl, myself included, shares not only their struggles but their spiritual insight as well. It is awesome to witness God doing an amazing work in each of these lovely lilies.
Here are a few quotes from Lesson 3:
"For some of us, our heart hunger has been awakened by abuse, hurtful words, painful experiences, tradegy, absent parents, or... I'll let you fill in the blank. Often we are hurt by people we love or by intruders who have trespassed into our lives. No matter how big or small we percieve these heartaches to be, they are no small matter to God. For us to become free of our brokenness, we must be able to acknowledge our heartaches and give them to God."
"We cannot experience permanent authentic healing apart from God. And we cannot get past these hurts by relying on something other than God."
"As God brings to light the things that are not pleasing to Him, we are presented with the opportunity to become the women he wants us to be. We bring our utter brokenness and humanity while God provides us with his redemptive power, his redeeming love, and his healing grace. It is in the quiet place of surrender, when we lay our brokennes before him, that God mysteriously works in our lives and changes our hearts."
1. Head Hunger: is associated with a compulsion to eat or indulge in a certain food that looks appealing when your body isn't hungry; desire eating.
2. Heart Hunger: is a compulsion to mismanage our feelings and emotional moods with food.
3. Stomach Hunger: is usually recognized by a growling sensation (aka real hunger) or a slight burning sensation in your stomach; stop eating when you feel satisfied.
I loved this chapter... well, I love all of them. This book/study is so timely for me and the girls have expressed the same feeling. It is truly wonderful to be free, and that is what the Heal Journey is all about.
The Goodie Bags this week included 1 item: seeds! Each girl received a bag of seeds to plant a variety of flowers. I am excited to see their gardens grow and flourish just as they are being transformed from glory to glory into God's perfect image. Read the verses attached to their seeds here (Isaiah 5:1-5, Isaiah 17:10-11, Jeremiah 17:5-10, Psalm 1:1-3, Psalm 107:35-37 & 1 Corinthians 6:3).
I have to confess though, that in knowledge I understand and am determined (based on the facts) to not regress and relapse but my thoughts, such as skipping a meal here and there, are what entangle me. But praise be to God who always provides a word of encouragement and a way of escape. Continue to pray for the girls and myself. Thank You for joining me on this HEAL Journey. Without even knowing it, you keep me accountable.
God Bless YOU.
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36
Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14
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May God grant you your heart's desire to be a lily among thorns as you delight in Him.