As I searched my "archives" I came across a myspace blogpost that I had written way back in November of 2007. After reading this post, I couldn't help but laugh at how the Lord works. This message ties in so well with yesterday's post on Psalm 46. I pray that you may be encouraged and challenged. Read on:
Last night at the Ladies Bible study Laura Cuevas blessed us with a wonderful teaching: Trust! These are my notes and thoughts:
•Trust in an action (choose to trust)
•The Lord is worthy to be trusted
•If someone or something has a piece of your heart, then you can't trust the Lord with all of your heart
•When we isolate ourselves from God and/or godly council we limit ourselves to our own understanding- Jeremiah 17:5-10… read it
•We first go to God and then use godly council to confirm the word of God
•"In all your ways" implies a lifelong journey with the Lord
•"In all your_____" Fill in the blank with every action that you take: In all my thoughts, in all my words, in all my deeds, in all my finances, in the way that I dress, in all etc…
•Matthew 6:33- Who or what do I give your attention to?
•What is my priority?
•Is my time with the Lord, devotional life?
•Check your attitude: What am I willing to give up for the Lord?
•Appearance: Am I acknowledging Him in the way that I dress?
•Am I guarding others by what I am wearing?
•He will direct my path!!! What an awesome promise.
•If I give (fill in the blank with whatever it may be that the Lord is asking of you) _______ to the Lord, then He will reward me... but I have to take the risk of letting go.
•He has a perfect plan for me and He will fight to get me there... if I trust Him to fight for me.
•We each have a divine and unique path like no other. Be content and trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path to his purpose for your life
•Apart from Him we can do nothing. We can find rest in knowing that if we are abiding with Him, trusting Him won't be so hard. Hold on to Phil 4:13.
John 15:5 - I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
Philippians 4:13 - We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
Lately God has me in awe, as I look into the lives of the people closest to me. Overall how he blesses and honors those who trust in Him and acknowledge Him in all their ways. It's so cool. And I'm not talking about their lives being perfect, I'm talking about people who are still in the midst of a trial. And even though they don't understand the how or what of their circumstance, they have purposed in their hearts to trust the Lord. God is rewarding them and the peace which surpasses all understanding is evident in their walk. That peace in visible in the joy of the Lord, which is their strength and they are able to praise Him in their storm. I am also seeing God granting the desires of my friend's hearts because they committed their ways unto Him.
I challenge you to press pause on all your "dilemmas" and make a mental list of those people closest to you. Analyze where they are today. How is their walk? The choices that they have made and are making today, were they spirit lead or did they lean on their own understanding? What was the outcome of that? In troubled times where did they run to first? God? People? Themselves? Alcohol? Drugs? Shopping? Eating? How do they respond to Godly council? How is their prayer life? This may seem like a psycho analysis but it can help you in this delicate area of trusting the Lord with all your heart. If the people closest to you are not, than you most likely won't either. However, if the people around you trust in the Lord wholeheartedly and with out reserves than guess what, their righteousness will be contagious. They will be a source of encouragement for you to continue leaning, relying and trusting in our faithful and loving Father.
Where am I in all of this?
Let's just say that the Lord has me being still. And there is no place else that I rather be. I've discovered that being still, though it may seem like a drag is the best kept secret place. Why? Because if we are being still, seated, steadfast and immovable, then that means that we are letting God be God. The only way to know him as God is to let Him be God. let him reveal himself as God to you and for you. And to be honest, my own understanding is rubbish. The choices that I have made on my own have all been mistakes. So in this journey, I choose to acknowledge Him in all my ways, and even though I don't meet that goal everyday I don't give up. We don't lose hope! The Lord's mercies are new every morning and He knows best... why am I going to step in the way. What the Lord has for me not you, not I and no one can possibly imagine. What He has for you is too great to even begin to imagine. Don't limit yourself. When He says to be still and know that He is God, our response should always be "Yes Sir!" If we let him be God than we have nothing to fear, He created life and is all powerful and all knowing, why not trust in Him? What have we to lose?
Let Go and Let God means letting God direct you into the very best that He has for you. But, and it may be a big but, you have to take action and let go... only you and the Lord know what it is. I'll make it easy for you it's one of two things or both: someone or something. What are you waiting for?
Isaiah 55:7-9
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Matthew 6:25-34
Hola and amen Raquel!!! This is a great blog! I truly understand(because of the Holy Spirit do I understand God's mysteries 1 Corinthians 2:6-16)everything that you wrote. Everything that is written on this blog. I'm in awe right now.. Thank you for sharing and I shall continue to pray for you sister. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17...