Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh-Nissi
(which means “the LORD is my banner”). Exodus 17:15
I received Teacups Full of Treasures by Mary Grace Birkhead as a gift. This tiny little book contains 30 names of God from both the Old and New Testaments. I am taking in each name rather slowly. Every Monday for the past three weeks I have read only one name and for the following 6 days I studied other scriptures that mention that specific name. Jehovah-Nissi is this week's name.
I looked up Exodus 17:15 and this is what my study bible commented: This banner was a battle flag. In Isaiah 5:26, God lifted up a banner to call the nations to war against Israel. In Isaiah 11:10,12 the Messiah would be the banner calling the nations to bring His people home.
This immediately painted a picture for me. During my trip to Italy I saw many tour groups. There were groups with matching shirts, others wore matching caps or lanyards with the group's name. The tour guide either carried a flag or a sign. If the guide moved, he or she would wave their flag or sign in the air. Members of their group could easily recognize where their guide was and followed them in the right direction. This is our God. He raises His banner, guiding us in the best pathway.
Upon our arrival at Tel Aviv Ariport we were to be picked up by a gentleman whom none of us knew. Imagine searching an entire airport for a man you did not know but was your only way out. All we were told was that he had a sign with the name of our team leader. The search became easier. We soon found him because of the sign, a sort of banner. This too is our God, Jehovah-Nissi. He holds a banner with His name, ending the search of our hearts for deliverance and acceptance.
If you are far from God or have wandered away, call to Him and He will raise His banner high and He will guide you to the right path. In the midst of the battle you are in, He is your mighty warrior and His banner will lead you through the battle and victoriously out.
Psalm 60:4 You have given a banner to those who fear You, that it may be displayed because of the truth.
Song of Solomon 2:4 He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
This has been so powerful for me to read. I love that He is our victory. Thank you so much for sharing this; I appreciate your blog!