
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Closing 2018

If I could only choose one name to describe God this year, it would have to be Redeemer. He has redeemed my life in so many ways. He has been liberator, deliverer, rescuer, and preserver. This year He opened my eyes to see that despite spiritual ups and downs, He has preserved my calling and my dream. What once seemed hopeless and forgotten, was redeemed in a new and unexpected way. 

It will be five years in May 2019, that I endured an almost crippling spiritual divorce (there is no other way to describe it than by calling it as such). Depression and bitterness settled in my heart, BUT God plowed through every so gently and with great patience. I suffered spiritually in seasons of dessert living while my Bible remained closed, BUT God continued to satisfy my hunger and thirst through the faithful teaching of the Word and worship at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. It was and will always be my oasis, my place of refuge and relief. 

My image of the church had been shattered, BUT God painted a beautiful picture of what the church truly is through the Bible study group He has called Josie and I to lead. We were broken women who needed to study the Word together with other broken women, and God has used each life as a paintbrush to paint community, love, and truth in our hearts. 

And just when I was satisfied with how He had redeemed what was broken, He redeemed what was forgotten. In November of 2017, I filled a card to serve at Christ Fellowship. Though I was extremely apprehensive about doing so, I did it out of obedience. Five months later I received a call. And in that conversation, what had been tucked and sealed away in the hidden chambers of my heart was brought to surface. And the verse the Lord gave me in January 2018 made complete sense to me in that moment: “But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you...” 1 John 2:27. The anointing still abides in me! I set no expectations other than to wait on Him and walk in full obedience. 

Oh, sweet Jesus, you truly redeem what is broken, hopeless, and forgotten. 

My encouragement to You: 
He can do the same for you. 
Hope, believe, and persevere in hardships. 
Don’t give in and don’t give up! 
Walk in obedience and He will make all things new. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

No greater love story ever told. 

 I’ve always loved Mary’s story, I even personified her in a monologue. 

But Joseph’s story, I’ve never stopped to really consider the emotions, fears, doubts, and uncertainties that he faced. I can’t say that I’ve ever reflected on His obedience. We know so little of Joseph, but one thing we do know, he knew his Savior. He held Him. He beheld Him. He cared for Him. He nurtured Him. He feed Him. He clothed Him. He raised Him. He taught Him. He loved Him. Wow, what a privilege. We celebrate today the birth of Jesus, the day that totally rocked Joseph’s life. As he embraced the Savior of the world, his life forever changed. 

You too can behold and embrace your Savior as well, and believe me that you’re life will be changed forever. 

Letting go of the past and holding unto Jesus. 

Merry Christmas. 

Thank You Jesus for appearing. 
My soul has truly found its worth in You. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

April 2018 Scripture Journaling Plan

Alright Ladies, grab a pen, journal, and Bible. Let’s inscribe God’s Word together. For the month of April we will be journaling through the book of Galatians. So much gold in this book. 

A few facts about Galatians: 
1. Author: Paul 
2. The audience: groups of churches within the Roman providence of Galatia. (In Acts 13, 14, & 16 You can read more about Paul’s missionary trips in Galatia) 
3. The meaning and message: “Is a person saved by faith alone, or by a combination of faith plus works? Paul’s letter to the Galatians proclaims that salvation is through faith alone. It also emphasizes freedom in Christ to live by the power of the spirit, knowing that our relationship with God is not based on our performance but on the finished work of Jesus Christ. So we are truly free, not to serve our sinful nature, but to love and serve our Lord and others.”

Who’s joining me?
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